• https://www.senieer.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/3.-FBG400-fluidized-bed-granulator.jpg

FBG400 Fluid Bed Granulator

  • Three grade filters to secure the cleanness of the inlet air
  • Spare product container is available
  • Fluidized bed granulator with the unique Senieer nozzles
  • Wheel dehumidification is available for high humidity environment
  • Differential pressure meter measuring device is available
  • Exhaust air recycling system is available for energy saving
  • Dust supervising sensor is available for filter bag breaking condition
  • Flow meter can be used for binder system
  • Explosion-proof system is available
  • WIP washing in place or CIP cleaning in place
  • Fully comply with FDA/cGMP requirements

Your Premier FBG400 Fluid Bed Granulator Manufacturer

Senieer FBG400 fluidized bed granulator also known as FBG 400 fluid bed granulation, FBG400 fluid bed granulator is highly efficient FDA/cGMP compliant equipment ergonomic designed to rapidly, uniformly and effectively dry granules, powders and granulation. The smart process air flow distribution plate ensures fast and uniform mixing. FBG400 Fluidized Bed Granulator is possible for custom and standard design.


Senieer fbg400 fluid bed dryer granulator is a fully integrated FBG400 fluidized bed spray granulation with top spray granulation and drying. Senieer FBG400 Fluid Bed Granulator easy to operate and maintain, with a cGMP compliant requirements. It is widely used and well known in pharmaceutical manufacturing, chemical and food industries worldwide.


Senieer FBG400 Fluid bed granulation’s automatic or manual of charging and discharging material of container module is selectable according to the order requirements and options. It is mounted on a movable trolley structure and rotated up to 180 degrees with a rotary handle. Simple discharge, cleaning and maintenance inspection of the workpiece are implemented.


With vertical high pump and optional 360 degrees solid spraying technology through rotary washing nozzle in the main body, blind spray area is minimized.


Tap-water, hot water, purified water, and detergent are selectable in stand-alone self operable WIP system.


Senieer FBG400 Fluidized Bed Granulator are manufactured in accordance with flange thickness 2bar, 10 bar or 12 bar pressure chamber design standard. It also protects product and human life with emergency shut-off valve even in case of emergency such as dust explosion.


Furthermore, the product consists of ground treated and anti-static parts.In addition to achieving a high level of details, Senieer FBG400Fluid Bed Granulator professional and the best service to your need and design. Top quality FBG400 fluidized bed spray granulation to boom your business, contact with Senieer We will be proud to serve your company worldwide.

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